Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Beautiful Elizabeth Sheffield

I'm back, and I'm bringing my new friend with me:  Elizabeth Sheffield by The Scarlett Letter.

Isn't she beautiful?  I've been spending hours stitching away at her.  The rich, vibrant colors were what attracted me to this sampler, but it's the joy that I sense the maker had while stitching it originally in 1784.

But not everything is so rosy:

A lot of this sampler is stitched OVER ONE THREAD, and for me, it's very time-consuming.  Yes, beautiful, but it's taking forever to fill in all the little plants and creatures.

For example, this little blue bird took me two weeks to stitch.  

But I loved stitching the little over-one-thread people -- such colorful clothes!

Take time to stitch a little today.  Whatever project you are working on will be that much closer to being finished.  And I always get a happy feeling after stitching!


  1. I agree, the over one is a killer! I have been tempted by this piece a number of times but I just don't have the patience for all of that!! You are doing a wonderful job and you are way too far along to quit now!! laura
